Confensual sex

A couple had been married for 40 years, and decided for their anniversary they would go to the same spot they went on their honeymoon those 40 years ago. It was a nice little spot by a farm, with rolling hills visible in the distance.

As they strolled down a path next to the cows, the husband smacked his wife on the behind and said "You know honey, 40 years ago we had sex right here, up against this fence. You remember?"

She replied "Yes, I do remember. We sure were something back then, werent we?"

He answered "Indeed. How about we do it again for old time's sake?"

With that, they proceeded to have sex up against the same fence that they done it against as newlyweds.

When finished, the old man exclaimed "Wow honey, you really had a good time, didnt you? You havent moved that much in a long time, in fact, I dont even know if you moved that much when we had sex here 40 years ago!"

She said "Well, 40 years ago that fence wasnt electrified."

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