Christmas eve pet store purchase

A guy frantically runs to the pet store on christmas eve and go's up to the owner-

Guy - I'm needing a puppy for my wife for christmas. I know I've left it late but can you please help!?

Store Owner - sorry son. your shit out of luck it being christmas eve n all, the cute pets are all gone.

Guy - Do you have anything left!?!?

Store Owner - Actually, sure. i got this African bullfrog out the back you should take a look at.

Guy - African is she going to do with an African bullfrog?

Store Owner - Trust me

Shows the guy said bullfrog

Guy - Its ugly as shit. Her Christmas will be ruined

Store owner - trust me...go on stick your dick in its mouth.

Guy - ...

Shrugging the guy thinks why not and go's ahead. To his amazement the bullfrog sucks him like a dyson. easily the best oral sex he's had since college.

Guy - Dear lord...I'll take it!!!

Christmas morning comes and he hands his wife the gift wrapped box which she duly opens...

Wife - Oh thanks hone...WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS!!!???

Guy - Its an African Bullfrog!

Wife - What am i supposed to do with an African Bullfrog

Guy - Teach it to cook then fuck off

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