Be with three women

A man was walking down the beach one day and came across a bottle.
Thinking it may be valuable, he opened it up. All of a sudden, a genie
pops out in a puff of smoke and says, "You are my new master, and I'll
grant you ONE wish. make it a good one!"

The man, beside himself, sat down to think for a while. "Alright, I've
decided: I want to sleep with three women at once!!!"

"Your wish is my command, master. when you get home, leave the lights off,
and you shall sleep with three women."

He got home, turned off the lights, and sure enough, there were three
woman in his bedroom. Thinking they might disappear if he turned on the
lights ("leave the lights off..."), he just went to town on them in the

When he woke up, he saw the three women: Lorena Bobbit, Tonya Harding and
Hillary Clinton. He also looked down and saw that his "unit" was cut off,
both his knees had been clubbed, and there was a note on his chest stating
that his health insurance was revoked.

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