A young girl...

There once was a little girl named Lucy who loved to read, particularly fairy tales. Her mother was sweet and her father was a clown (literally). For a long time, the little girl would read these books of hers, and eventually came to the conclusion that trolls were her favorite creature of them all. She sometimes was bullied for loving trolls so much, but Lucy didn't care, as long as she had her tales.

Flash forward a few years to Lucy's first year of middle school, where she takes a mandatory Tech-Ed class. She's reluctant at first, but soon grows to love the class where she learns to weld, work with wood, design and paint furniture, etc.

On her 13th birthday, Lucy's father says to her: "Lucy, get up right now, I'm teaching you to ride a unicycle for the circus."
Lucy, confused at first, happily agrees. It takes some time for her to ride the unicycle properly, especially as it is an Extra Large Man's Size Unicycle, but she gets it eventually and starts to become very good.

Although she doesn't love unicycle riding, Lucy decides to make it a bit more enjoyable by designing her unicycle to look like a troll: her beloved fairy tale creature. Using some welding techniques from tech-ed, she is able to attach beautiful horns and paints the unicycle to look like a troll.

However, while practicing unicycle riding with her father, Lucy gets her first period. Lucy's father, unaware of what to do in this situation, uncomfortably says, "Alright dear, let's ride to the Pharmacy and get you, ah..." Lucy, seeing her father's discomfort, agrees to go with him to the near-by pharmacy.

The two arrive at the pharmacy, and Lucy's father tells her to go inside and get what she needs while he guards the unicycles.

A few minutes pass by, and a man, obviously fascinated by Lucy's unicycle, asks the father: "My, what is that? I'm not sure I've seen anything like it!"
Lucy stomps out of the pharmacy with a furious look on her face and a plastic bag.
"That?" says Lucy's father, "That's a Men's Troll Cycle."

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