Tiger Jokes

Tiger Jokes

What is the difference between Tiger Woods and Santa Clause?

With Santa it is only three hoes and he's done.

My Dad had the eye of the tiger

...and a life time ban from the national zoo

How did Charlie Sheen get HIV?

By injecting tiger blood

Charlie Sheen lied..

He told us he had tiger blood. It seems as thou...

So Charlie Sheen was diagnosed with HIV

I guess his "Tiger Blood" has some Chimp in it.

So Charlie Sheen is HIV Positive...

Looks like all the tiger blood was tainted.

Charlie Sheen is HIV positive

It seems he went from tiger blood to monkey blood.

A Golden Oldie Blonde joke...

A blonde called her boyfriend and said, “Please...

Lamar Odom suffered a dozen strokes...

Tiger Woods is jealous of his low stroke count.

So Tiger Woods turned up to a black tie dinner in jeans.

He figured he was likely to be the only black t...

I've got the eye of a tiger

and a lifetime ban from the zoo

Tiger turned into Bulldog

Men:1 Your dog is very healthy...looks like a t...

Tintumon at the zoo

Father and tintumon were standing in front of t...

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