Poems Jokes

Poems Jokes

Bathroom Rules

This is a place to spill your guts,
Not a pla...

Mother Huboard

Old mother Huboard
went to the cupboard
to g...


There was a young lady in Reno

Who lost all ...

I don't like....

I don't like eating vegatebles.
I don't like ...

Poem Of The Selfish Child

As I lay me down to sleep,
I pray the Lord my...

French Kiss

A peach is a peach,
a plum is a plum,
a kiss...

Sugar 'n Spice

Sugar and spice makes everything nice.
So giv...

Twisted Stuff

late one night in the middle of the day, two d...

It's raining, It's pouring...

It's raining, it's pouring
The old man is who...