Married-life Jokes

Married-life Jokes

Three Rings

Marriage is a three-ring circus: engagement rin...

Don’t Kiss!

Wife: "Our new neighbor always kisses his wife ...

For Richer or Poorer

My sister Tina was telling her husband, Kay, ab...

Gettin’ Pricey

Q: If love is "grand," what is divorce?
A: A hu...

Love Is Blind… Until…

Q: Whats the difference between love and marria...

Go Away, Come Back!

My son wanted to know what it's like to be marr...

The Eyes Have It

Son: What's the difference between love and mar...

Fashionistas in Love

If I have to choose between a husband and shoes...

Mrs. Motormouth

Man: “I haven’t spoken to my wife in 18 months....

Do I Look Like a Short-Order Cook?

Wife: Do you want dinner?
Husband: Sure, what a...

Fatherly Wisdom

Son: Dad, I’ve heard that in some parts of the ...

Here, Let Me Get That

If a man opens the car door for his wife, you c...

Student Life or a Wife?

A retired rancher decided 
to go back to school...

Misreading the Signals

My fiancé and I went to a counselor to work on ...

Misfortune Cookie

After finishing our Chinese food, my husband an...

Might Be The Wine Talking…

A couple are sitting in their living room, sipp...

Will You Still Love Me?

Ah, marriage. I was standing in front of the ba...

Notable Never-isms

• Never try to tell everything you know. It may...

Sock it to Me

On the first night of their 
honeymoon, the hus...

Confessions of a Military Wife

My husband is infantry, and 
he said the most w...

Every Marriage Needs A Spin Doctor

My wife told me that I twist everything she say...

Forever Late

After 12 years in prison, a man 
finally breaks...

Father of The Bribe

When I announced that I was getting married, my...

A Familiar Patient

A weeping woman bursts into her hypnotherapist’...

Realistic Romantic Comedies

• When Harry Met Sally and 
Discovered She Look...