Goose Jokes

Goose Jokes

What happens when you goose a ghost?

You get a hand full of sheet. (Joke from my mom)

"Talk to me, Goose," Tom Cruise crackled over the radio.

"Squawk." Goose replied before nose diving into...

A goose walks into a cafe.

He says, "I want a burger, fries, and coke.


apropos for this week

In the year 1806, a well-dressed man in his twe...

A husband gets home after playing golf.....

And his wife asks how it went to which he repli...

A man is on his way to the movie theater

When a goose starts following him. He gets to t...

The farmer and the old lady

A farmer stopped by the local mechanics shop to...

How do you get down off an elephant?

You don't. You get down off a goose.

Never underestimate old ladies.

A farmer stopped by the local mechanics shop ...

You met him in prison.

You met him in prison. During your initial cons...

You met him in prison.

You met him in prison. During your initial cons...

What is the definition of a goose ?

What is the definition of a goose ? An animal t...

Mike and Pat went hunting.

Mike and Pat went hunting. Mike saw a large goo...