Speeding Ticket

A cop has pulled a man over for going 150 in a 60. Guy had a nice sports car and wanted to test it out, then tried to shake the cop when he saw he was being pulled over. As a lover of old sports cars, and being tired, the cop gave him an ultimatum.

"Look, it's the end of my shift. I'm ready to go home. I've completely gone through one book of tickets already today. If you can give me one good reason for why the hell you tried to run from me, I'll let you go scott free."

The man pauses hearing this, and looks ahead, his face stuck as if staring at some terrible thing far away. "Last week my wife ran off with a cop. I thought you were trying to return her."

The cop hands the man his license and says "Have a good day sir, try to slow down from now on."

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