So one day I saw this moving truck pull up to the house next to mine. I also noticed that the person moving in was a girl...

She was absolutely smoking hot, I swear to you! I can't make this up, she was like a 9/10; seriously gorgeous with blonde hair and these stunning blue eyes. I felt bad for her, really, cause she was carrying all of this heavy stuff on her own. In my head, and I don't know what I was thinking considering I'm like a 6/10 at my best, I decided I'd at least try to give her a hand. I went over to her, said "Hey, I noticed you don't have any help. You need someone else to move these boxes inside?"

She looks me straight in the face with this disgusting glare and says. "Yeah, I'm good, thanks." I'm not sure what I was expecting, but that even shocked me a little bit. Contrary to my own nature, I just told her that if she needed help after all she could just come knock on my door. She went through with the move by herself and I didn't hear from her for a couple days.

That is until I hear a knock at my door. When I open up to see who it is, sure enough, it's 9/10 girl right there, and apparently she wants to talk to me. She says "I'm really sorry about how bitchy I was back when you tried to help me. Let me make it up to you and take you out to dinner." Woah. After all that, she actually comes to ME for a date. So I counteroffer, tell her that we should also go watch a movie in return for me paying for the dinner, and she goes along with it just fine.

We got together and things were going GREAT! Maybe we weren't very compatible, cause I'm into anime and video games but while she was into Starbucks and Mean Girls and white girl shit like that. Still, our relationship had this weird formula... It just worked, somehow, and it worked incredibly well.

A month after we started dating, I noticed another moving truck, this time at the house across the street from me. Once again, I noticed a girl moving in. Now, this girl isn't as hot as my girlfriend. If I had to rate her, I'd give her a 7/10. Still, she was on her own, and chivalrous me went to go offer help again.

She was VERY open to getting help, and instantly handed me a box that was heavy as all hell. I felt like Atlas carrying the Earth, that's how heavy it was. But when I realized the box said "Video Games" on it, I knew I was in for some shit. Opened it up, saw a bunch of SERIOUS fucking video games in there, not any stupid 'girl gamer' nonsense. I'm talking NES cartridges, PC games, two entire consoles, controllers. I asked her "Is this your boyfriend's stuff?" and just as quickly as she had accepted my help, she told me she didn't have a boyfriend and it was all hers.

Anyway, I helped her moving everything else out of the van and almost immediately after we just hung out at her house. It was fun as hell, man. Hadn't felt that I had a good friend like that for a long time. Couple weeks go by and my girlfriend starts to notice how much me and this new girl have been hanging out. My girlfriend came up to me and said, "Sorry, I have problems with jealousy and I just don't really want you hanging out with her. You're spending a lot of time with her and I want you to spend more time with me."

Hearing this from her was UNBELIEVABLE. A girl this fucking beautiful getting jealous over something I did! Either way, I told her that because me and the other girl were so similar that they would definitely like each other. She agrees, although reluctantly, and comes back to me later.

She says "Yeah, you can't see her anymore. She told me that if she ever sees me and you together she will fucking murder me and that you belong to her." I was in disbelief because it doesn't even match her personality to say something like that, but I insisted that there was no way it was real, and yet she continued to push it, and for some reason she sounded really convincing. "That's literally what she said, she said she'll fucking kill me!"

"I can't imagine it's that serious." I said, "Let me go and talk to her so I can figure this out."

I went to the house of the 7/10 girl and knocked on the door. No response. Waited, called her, no answer. Okay, fine. Called my girlfriend to tell her I'll try to get in contact tomorrow, no answer. Go to my girlfriend's house, knock on the door, and again there is no answer. This goes on for a couple weeks with no luck, and I'm left clueless as to what is going on. I file missing persons reports for both of them, neither of them get found.

I'm only left guessing. Did they run away together? Is this some horrible coincidence? I didn't know, and at the time it seemed as if I had no way of knowing.

I give up hoping.

But one day, I turned on the news and couldn't believe my eyes. I witnessed footage of 7/10 girl getting taken away in handcuffs, soaked completely in blood. She's raging at the cameras, yelling at me about how she's gonna come and kill me next.

Autopsy reports come out, and it becomes apparent that not only did the 7/10 girl murder my girlfriend like she said she would, but that parts of my girlfriend's body were missing. It appears that chunks of flesh from her body were ingested by none other than the killer herself.

I mourned for my beautiful girlfriend for some time, but then I reflected on the footage I watched on the news. I knew that she was coming for me, and I couldn't run for long. I locked myself in my home, covering windows and reinforcing them, putting multiple locks on every entrance I could just to keep her out. I broke down, crying myself to sleep at night, screaming at walls, becoming a paranoid mess as my sanity slipped away, until one day, I realized...

I realized the point of it all. It dawned on me, finally, the purpose of my entire experience, and in my fits of madness and screaming, my moment of sudden realization, I screamed...


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