So a young man joins the army..

So a young man joins the army, it was his life plan since he was little because his grandfather and father before him both served. He felt like it was his duty to carry on the family tradition.

So after he joins he goes through all his basic training and testing. A few months later he is being deployed, unfortunately the day he is to ship out he sleeps in. Not much mind you but just enough to make him last in line to receive his fire arm. When he finally gets to the front of the line the quarter master informs him there are no guns left. He starts freaking out "how am i supposed to go into battle with out a rifle?"
the gentleman on the other side of the desk blinks at him slowly..
"Well... I could give you this." He holds up a stick that is mildly shaped like a gun
"What the hell am I supposed to do with a stick!! I signed up to defend my country not wave sticks at bad guys!!"
"No, I promise you that this will be just as good! Just point this stick at your enemy and shout BANG BANG BANG!"
The young private argues that this will not work, and that he is not an idiot and will not except this. But after arguing for a long time he finally gives in and takes his stick.
But after arguing for so long about this stick he ends up being last in line to get his bayonet. This time when he gets to the front of the line, trusty stick in hand. The man tells him that they are out of bayonets, and again he freaks out a little telling this guy that he already has a stick for a rifle and he would not leave with out the bayonet. The man looks at him for a moment and the searches around in the back for a moment and returns with a swiss army knife.
"Sorry kid this is the best I can do. Just tape it to the end of your stick and if someone gets to close just thrust is forward and yell STAB STAB STAB. I promise you it will work!"
Again he argues that this is ridiculous. But they are being called to the plane, so he takes his little knife and leaves, feeling very certain that he will not return home.
Finally a few days latter him and his platoon are sent to defend a ridge against the enemy. He stands with his fellow soldiers awaiting what he was sure is certain death. Finally he sees the enemy break the horizon and as they start to get with in what would be rifle range he shoulders his stick and takes aim.
"BANG!!! BANG!!! BANG!!! BANG!!!" He yells over and over. To his surprise it was working everyone that he yelled at fell to the ground dead. It was a miracle, he continued "firing" his weapon, until finally they were with in range of his bayonet.
"STAB!!! STAB!!! STAB!!!" He yells thrusting his stick forward with out mercy. Still men fell before him, he was astounded. Out of the corner of his eye he sees one man coming towards him and he turns and takes aim
"BANG!! BANG!! BANG!!!" The man doesn't fall... He starts to get scared... maybe it was all in his head.. a fluke!
"STAB!! STAB!!! STAABBBB!!!!" The approaching soldier still doesn't fall!

The last thing our young soldier hears as he is run over by the enemy soldier is...
"TANK!!! TANK!!! TANK!!! TAN...."

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