Once upon a time, there lived a very famous juggler...

He gained notoriety and fame by managing to juggle up to 15 balls at once with impressive dexterity. He could juggle them behind his back, he could juggle them blindfolded, he could even juggle them while standing on his head. His skill was unmatched and all of his shows were sold out, no matter what part of the world he performed in.

But he had a secret: his hands were very small and because of it, he could only juggle with a special kit containing custom balls made specially for his tiny hands. Every time he would try to juggle other objects, he would always fail, so he only performed with that kit.

After several years of performing he started noticing that his shows didn't sell out anymore. Every other show there were more and more empty seats. When he asked why, he was told that people were becoming bored with his act of only juggling regular balls when there were other artists out there using more interesting props such as bowling balls, knives, swords, chainsaws, torches and even live animals.

The juggler became depressed. The less popular his shows became, the more he started drinking. All his life he knew how to do only one thing, and that was juggling. After several months of drinking, he had wasted all of his money. The only thing he had left were the clothes he was wearing and the juggling kit. He decided to leave all of his failures behind and become a monk. He sold his juggling kit and used the money to travel to the nearest monastery.

Ten years had passed when the once famous juggler couldn't handle the abstinence anymore. He sneaked out of the monastery and searched for a pub to have a few drinks. Even though he had grown a long beard, the bartender at the pub remembered his face and recognized him:

"Aren't you the juggler who was world famous about 10 years ago?"

"Yes, I am."

"What happened to you, where did you go all those years back?"

"I became a monk."

"Well, if you're a monk, why are you drinking?"

"For ten years, I haven't touched a single bottle. For ten years, I haven't touched a single woman. I just can't take it anymore, I want to feel like a normal person again"

The bartender understood his problem and nodded in agreement. He then pointed to a woman sitting at the other end of the pub and said:

"I'm sure she could take care of your second problem. Just show her your juggling skills and she will definitely be impressed."

The monk responded:

"Yes, I've been thinking about it as well...

...but I don't have the balls to do it."

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