Old man and trophy wife

An old man walks into a car dealership with his young trophy wife on his arm. He walks up to the manager and says, "I want to make deal with you. If you can do three things that I can do, I'll buy your most expensive car with cash plus 10% extra for you. If you can't, I get the car for free."

The manager looks at old man, and figures he can do anything the old man could do. "All right, it's a deal. Let's go to my office."

They all walk into the manager's office. The old man walks over to his wife and rips open her blouse. He slowly starts caressing her breasts and sucks gently on both her nipples. He stops after a minute then motions to the manager to repeat. The manager can't believe his luck and begins caressing and sucking the young wife's nipples.

Next, the old man rips his wife's skirt off, and begins to stroke and lick her pussy. He stops after a minute and motions the manager towards his wife. The manager happily jumps in and begins to play with and lick the young wife's pussy.

The manager stops and says, "Well old man, what else you got?"

The old man smiles, pulls down his pants, and folds his dick in half.

The manager sighs, "What color do you want?"

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