New Boots

A young man bought a new pair of boots of which he was very proud so he decided to go dancing an give them a try. After dancing with one lady for a few minutes he said "I bet you I can guess the color of your panties."

"O.K.", she replied, "what color do you think they are?"

"Blue", he replied.

"How did you know that?" she asked?

"I saw the reflection in my shinny new boots", he said.

"Here she said dance with my sister an tell what color she has on", the lady said.

After dancing a few minutes the young man started rubbing he toes on his pant cuffs an started to dance again. After a few minutes he ask the lady "what color panties do you have on, I can't seem to make them out."

To which she replied, "I don't have any panties on."

With a sign of relief the young man said, "oh good for a minute I thought I had a crack in my new boots."

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