In the darkest days of the Great European Conflagration....

In the darkest days of the Great European Conflagration, the Great People's Communist Party of Bulgoradia was forced to take up arms and strike back at the Nazi hordes holding the nation under harsh occupation and bondage.

In the early, dangerous days of the partisan struggle, their headquarters was a cave thirty kilometers southeast of the capitol--Bulgoradia has a Great People, but only a small territory. Within this cave was a naturally flat boulder, which quickly became as the Round Table to these knights of the People. The Party constitution was written upon it, plans drawn up upon it, debates held around it--and of course, there were rumors that it was occasionally used for more lecherous purposes. It became known as the Rock of the Party.

After much struggle, suffering, and bloodshed (and some insignificant help from the their Soviet comrades), the Communist partisans of Bulgoradia were able to expel the foreign invaders and bring their running dogs to heel. They then set about creating a new government for the People--but a government needs a capitol, and the old royal palace was too damaged and too retrograde to serve. A new capitol building was constructed, a suitable place from which the Party could guide the nation towards its rightful and glorious future. It was called the House of the People.

It was determined, after the initial struggles of the Revolution and of building Communism were completed, that the artifacts of the revolution must be preserved and displayed for the good of the People. Thus, a great expedition was sent out to the cave that housed their humble and desperate beginnings, and with much fanfare the Rock was brought to the glorious new capitol building. The national paper breathlessly reported on that day:

"Party Rock Is In The House Tonight!"

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