Barber's Community Service

A Barber commited a crime, and had to go before a judge. Since it was his first time the Judge only gave him a community service in his own field.

He must give free hair cuts for one month, and every time a customer asks how much for the hair cut, he has to explain his crime, and that this is his community service.

Anyway, he was happy, because anything beats the jail.

first day he gave a hair cut to a Florist, the florist asked, how much at the end, he replied, oh nothing.......explained the Judge's order.

Next day when he came to open the shop, there was a bouquet of flowers and a thankyou card.

That day a person came who owned a chocolate shop, after the hair cut he too asked, how much? the barber said oh no charge because........ Judge's order.

Next day when he came to open his shop, he saw a box of chocolate and a thankyou card, That day he gave a hair cut to an East Indian, The East Indian asked how mucH? The barber said nothing because........ Judge's Order.

next day when he came to open the shop there was a line of East Indians waiting to get a hair cut.

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