A man arrives in a monastery in the middle of nowhere...

He is starving, dirty, and in terrible shape in general. The monks immediately take him in, nursing him back to health. When he finally gains the strength to speak again, he thanks them, and proceeds to tell them his story - how he's a failed businessman, how his wife divorced him, how he got drunk and decided, in drunken stupor, to drive as far away as he could and get lost in the mountains. As he tells his story, he realizes that he has nothing to go back to, and decides, seeing the kind-heartedness of the monks and how they seem to be happy with the little that they have, to become one of them. The monks happily tell him to pick one of the empty beds in the bedroom, assign him a place at their dining table, and hand him three simple brown robes.

Then, they send him to study, as he knows little of the monks' religion, and so he spends an entire day and an entire night in the monastery's library, out of pure curiosity at first, and then inable to quench his thirst for wisdom. The next morning, the monks arrive to find their new brother passed out. They wake him up, and, seeing that he's truly worthy of becoming one of them, send him to the chapel, along with brother Bergus.

As they make their way to the chapel through the monastery's many corridors, Bergus explains to the newcomer that he's ready for his first ritual, that it would be hard and potentially painful, but ultimately, worth it. The man simply nods.

The pair sits down on a wooden bench in the chapel, and Bergus continues his explanation: "You'll now have, if you're strong enough, an experience which will be unlike anything else you've ever had. Try to sit still and focus". As he says these last words, a choir starts singing, in a language strange and unknown to the man, it's sounds echoing from the chapel's walls. He closes his eyes and tries to let go.
For two hours, nothing happens. The man, however, has learned to deeply trust the monks, and decides to keep on waiting - and suddenly, carried by the voices, his eyes still closed, he finds himself slowly, but surely losing the bench's touch.

A strange, floating sensation overcomes him, and he feels like what he imagines drifting through space must be. As he excitedly opens his eyes, he drops to the floor - but finds himself in the middle of nowhere, not recognizing a single detail of the landscape around him. In fact, it's not even an actual landscape - it seems that the place he's in is just a giant, grey plateau made out of stone, extending seemingly forever to his left, right, and front. Behind him, however, the man sees nothing but a black abyss, so dark that it swallows the plateau's wall within a few meters of depth.

The man turns around again and decides to explore his surroundings. He walks into the same direction for hours, while his environment seemingly doesn't change in the slightest - until he sees something that seems to be a tiny, grey speck of dust on the grey horizon. As he draws closer, he realizes that it's a small mountain, no more than 1'000 feet in height, with a rocky path gently spiraling upwards around it, leading to the mountain's tip.

The man, now curious, decides to go up.

As he, after hours, finally arrives at the top, he sees nothing but another plateau, though this time a lot smaller, round and not more than a couple of meters in diameter. In its middle is a white sphere of light, slowly and invitingly floating up, down, and back up again. The man decides to touch the sphere, but instead finds his hand gliding through it, entering something warm and incredible. Within seconds, he decides to enter the sphere - and from the very moment he steps in, he finds something that he later could only describe as "molten happiness" surrounding him in a soft cocoon, slowly spinning around him and making him truly feel the best he's ever felt.

As he finally fully embraces the sensation, it suddenly slowly starts fading away, and within moments, he finds himself sitting on the chapel's cold floor again. His mouth agape, he turns around, and sees brother Bergus still sitting on the bench nearby, with a kind smile on his lips. Seeing that the man seems to have finished his journey, Bergus gets up, slowly and with soft steps approaches the man, and, as he leans down and brings his mouth towards the still stunned man's ear, whispers: "420 praise it".

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