Weather Jokes

Weather Jokes

Hurricane Vision

Q: How do hurricanes see?
A: With one eye!

Snowman’s Savings

Q: Where do snowmen keep their money?
A: In a ...

Una LaMarche on Spring Fashion

No, I’m not walking on string-cheese stilts. Th...

Winter Punderland

As we waited for a bus in the frosty weather, t...

How Hot Was It?

It was so hot in Beverly Hills, 
people were fr...

Don’t Knock the Weather.

Don’t knock the weather. If it didn’t change on...

Electricity is Really Just…

Electricity is really just organized lightning.

It’s Been Raining so Much in LA that…

It’s been raining so much in Los Angeles that t...

Why Does Moisture Destroy…

Why does moisture destroy leather? When it’s ra...

Coastal Town Names

Concerned about what will happen to cities if t...

Past Life on the Oregon Trail

Past Lives
On a family vacation one summer, we...

Climate Change

According to a news story, if global warming co...

Mr. Summertime

Mr. Summertime
We all grew up in a town on th...

Vermont Weather Forecast

Vacationing in Vermont, I picked up t...