Riddles Jokes

Riddles Jokes

What do you call a guy with no arms and no...

What do you call a guy with no arms and no leg...


How do you get a reader to think?

What Do Women Love?

What is 6 inch long, has a big head on it, new...

Football Riddles

Q:Why Doesn't Iowa have a pro football team?A:...

The Barrel

What can you put in a barrel to make it lighte...


What starts with a "E" and has only one letter...

What do you call a guy with no arms and no...

What do you call a guy with no arms and no leg...

Frankenstein The Monster

Do you know why Frankenstein the monster never...


What do trees drink at parties?

Root Beer.

The Siamese Twins

Two brothers walk in to a bar and one brother ...


What did one strawberry say to the other?


A Bunch of Riddles

Q: What do you call a bull that always sleeps?...

Pregnant Dairy Queen

How did Dairy Queen get pregnant?

Burger Kin...

Two Fathers and Two Sons Fishing

Two fathers and two sons are fishing. They eac...


Q: What do the girls on Baywatch get if they r...

Dirty Hole

Q: How much dirt is in a hole three feet long,...


There was this witch that was zapped into a ro...

Best Man Always Has Me First

A finger goes into me,
you fidle with me when...

Hard To get into

Whats hairy on the outside, moist on the insid...


What do you call a Roman with a pubic hair stu...

Sick Minded Riddle

I'm about 4 inches long, with some hair near m...

What's so bad about Russia?

A boy was in class and he raised his hand and ...

War Tree

What kind of a tree fights in a war?

A mili-...


OK- You are the bus driver.

The bus driver g...