Murphy-s-law Jokes

Murphy-s-law Jokes

Pommersheim's Principle...

Pommersheim's Principle

All obvious theor...

Remember the...

Remember the Golden Rule

He who has the g...

The First Law of Wing Walking...

The First Law of Wing Walking

Never leav...

Murphy's Laws of Combat Operations...

Murphy's Laws of Combat Operations

Odd ob...

Murphy's Law of Airplane Travel...

Murphy's Law of Airplane Travel

When the ...

The first rule of intelligent tinkering...

The first rule of intelligent tinkering


Murphy's Technology Laws...

Murphy's Technology Laws

If it's not in t...

Murphy's Technology Laws...

Murphy's Technology Laws

If mathematicall...

Murphy's Eleventh Law of Computing...

Murphy's Eleventh Law of Computing

A comp...

When the going gets tough, everyone leaves....

When the going gets tough, everyone lea...

Ringwald's Law of Household Geometry...

Ringwald's Law of Household Geometry

Any ...

Army Law...

Army Law

If it moves, salute it
if it ...

It is easier to get forgiveness than permission....

It is easier to get forgiveness than pe...

Murphy's Laws of Combat Operations...

Murphy's Laws of Combat Operations

Your b...

If you have something to do, and you put it...

If you have something to do, and you p...

Beach's Law...

Beach's Law

No two identical parts are al...

If you have a difficult task give it to a...

If you have a difficult task give it t...

Murphy's Law of Management Strategy...

Murphy's Law of Management Strategy

Some ...

Ade's Law...

Ade's Law

Anybody can win -- unless there...

Murphy's Law of Cable TV...

Murphy's Law of Cable TV

If you have wat...

Maier's Law...

Maier's Law

If the facts don't conform to...

Murphy's Law of model assembly...

Murphy's Law of model assembly

The hardes...

Law of Backpacking...

Law of Backpacking

The weight of your pac...

The Roman Rule...

The Roman Rule

The one who says it cannot...

Murphy's Ninth Law of Computing...

Murphy's Ninth Law of Computing

A complex...