Gross Jokes

Gross Jokes

Did you hear about the leper card game?...

Did you hear about the leper card game?

One ...

They say you can pick your nose, and you can...

They say you can pick your nose, and you can p...

yo moma

yo mommas armpits so harry it looks like she g...

One day Bob and Tom were playing outside by...

One day Bob and Tom were playing outside by th...

Why don't old men eat their wives out?...

Why don't old men eat their wives out?

Have ...

What do Vegetarian Maggots eat?...

What do Vegetarian Maggots eat?

Linda McCar...

Whats a priest's favorite type of meat?...

Whats a priest's favorite type of meat?

- NU...

What did the leper say to the prostitute?...

What did the leper say to the prostitute?


The more you run over a dead cat the flatter...

The more you run over a dead cat the flatter i...

What did Jeffery Dammer say to Lorena Bobbit?...

What did Jeffery Dammer say to Lorena Bobbit?

Why do Blondes insist on guys wearing condoms?...

Why do Blondes insist on guys wearing condoms?...

How do you recycle a used tampon?...

How do you recycle a used tampon?

As a tea b...

Hiroshima was a boom town....

Hiroshima was a boom town.

How can you tell if a valentine is from a...

How can you tell if a valentine is from a lepe...

What is the worst thing that can happen to...

What is the worst thing that can happen to a l...

Okay, I want you to blink your left eye, then...

Okay, I want you to blink your left eye, then ...

A guy says to his gal while french kissing:...

A guy says to his gal while french kissing:

When John Candy died they found out he was...

When John Candy died they found out he was dea...

Whats blue and doesn't fit any more?...

Whats blue and doesn't fit any more?

- A dea...

La Machine....

La Machine.
La Ma...

What's blue and sings alone?...

What's blue and sings alone?

- Dan Ackroyd.

Whats black and taps on glass?...

Whats black and taps on glass?

A baby in a m...

What is the difference between Michael Jackson...

What is the difference between Michael Jackson...

Suffocation: Farting in a spacesuit....

Suffocation: Farting in a spacesuit.

What is the difference between a pie and a...

What is the difference between a pie and a wom...