Two Friends, An American and a Russian...

There were two friends, an American and a Russian.

The American was jobless and hungry. But he had an idea: he went to the gates of the White House, sat on the ground outside and began eating hay. Obama saw him there and asked: 'What are you eating hay for?'

'Because I'm hungry and I haven't a job.'

Obama was outraged and ordered that he be fed and given some money.

'What else would you like?'

'A ticket to Russia to visit my friend.'

Obama made the arrangements and the American flew to Russia where he found that his friend was, of course, starving too. The American burst out laughing and said:

'Brother, I can give you a good piece of advice. Go to the Kremlin, sit on the ground by the gates and eat hay. Out will come Putin who will be angry to see you in such a state and give you everything you need.'

And that's what the Russian friend did. He sat down by the Kremlin gates and began eating hay. Out came Putin and saw him there.

'What are you eating hay for?' he asked.

'Because I'm hungry and I haven't any money.'

'You're a fool!' says Putin. 'It's summer now, you should be eating grass and leaving the hay for winter.'

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