There once was a young couple...

Once there was a young couple who were very much in love. The girl became pregnant and gave birth to their first child. It was a difficult pregnancy and there were complications, and surgery was required. When it was finished and the young woman came out of the recovery room, the surgeon met with the couple. 'I have some good news and some bad news,' the doctor said, 'The good news is that you are the parents of a seven-pound baby. 'The bad news, I'm afraid, is that there is an abnormality. Your baby is just a head. It was born without a torso.

Well, the young couple was very brave, and they took their baby home, and loved it and cared for it and played with it. And on the baby's twelfth birthday , the doctor called. I have amazing news, he said. A torso has been found that would be a perfect match for the head. Come in immediately, for it is ready for transplant.

The couple was elated, not only by the news, but that this amazing stroke of fortune should fall on their son's birthday. They ran to his room. 'Son! the father exclaimed. We have the best birthday present a boy like you could ever dream of!

Oh yeah? Said the lad, looking up from the floor. Well, it better not be another fucking hat!

--All credit to Johnny Carson

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