Guess my age

It's Linda's 40th birthday, so she heads down to the shops to pick up supplies for the birthday BBQ she's having with some friends later on that day.
She heads to the supermarket first, fills the trolley with booze, the heads to the check-out. At the till the man notices the 'Happy Birthday' badge pinned to her jumper, and says to her "Oh! It's your birthday? Many happy returns! How old are you, if you don't mind me asking?"
"Why don't you have a guess?" replies Linda.
The man looks at her for a second or two, the says "33-34 years old?"
Linda's over the moon. "Well actually, I'm 40 today. But thank you ever so much, you've made my day!" she says, and, smiling, she heads over to the boutique on the corner to buy herself a new dress for the party.
The woman in the store also notices her badge, and asks her the same question - "How old are you today?" - to which Linda gives the same answer - "Why don't you have a guess?"
The store woman thinks for a moment, then hazards a guess at 36-37. Linda is again over the moon. "Well actually, I'm 40 today. But thank you ever so much, you've made my day!" she says, and, still smiling, she heads over to the butchers to get some fresh meat before heading home.
As before, the butcher notices the badge pinned to her chest, wishes her a happy birthday, and asks her "How old are you, if you don't mind me asking?"
Linda, fishing for another compliment, says to the butcher "Why don't you have a guess?"
The butcher looks her up and down, and comes round the counter for a closer inspection. He says to Linda, "Do you mind if I have a quick feel? I'm good with my hands, and can expertly age meat after so long in this business."
Linda, thinking he means to give her arms and hands a bit of a squeeze, is completely shocked when the butcher gives her tits a good hard squeeze, and is utterly lost for words when he lifts up her skirt and grasps her pussy firmly in his hand. Outraged, Linda pulls his hand away, and just as she's about to storm out of the shop the butcher says to her "You're 40". Linda stops dead, amazed.
"How did you know that?!"
The butcher replies, "I was behind you in the queue at the supermarket."

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