Good Girls, Bad Girl’s And Naughty Girls

Good girls loosen a few buttons when its hot

Bad girls make it hot by loosening a few buttons

Naughty girls unbutton your pants

Good girls wax their floors

Bad girls wax their bikini line

Naughty girls wax your nutsack

Good girls blush during sex scenes in movies

Bad girls know they could do it better

Naughty girls do it with whips and chains

Good girls wear white cotton panties

Bad girls don’t wear any

Naughty girls don’t really give a shit

Good girls think they’re not fully dressed without a strand of pearls

Bad girls think they’re fully dressed with just a strand of pearls

Naughty girls want a " pearl necklace "

Good girls pack their toothbrush

Bad girls pack their diaphragms

Naughty girls pack their dildos

Good girls own only one credit card and rarely use it

Bad girls own only one bra and rarely use it

Naughty girls own the entire Fantasia collection

Good girls wear high heels to work

Bad girls wear high heels to bed

Naughty girls make you wear high heels

Good girls think the office is the wrong place to have a romance

Bad girls think no place is the wrong place

Naughty girls have sex all over the place

Good girls prefer the missionary position

Bad girls do too, but only for starters

Naughty girls add some new chapters in the Kama Sutra

Good girls say no

Bad girls say when?

Naughty girls don’t say anything, they just moan and scream a lot.

Good girls go to the party, go home, then go to bed.

Bad girls go to the party, go to bed and then go home.

Naughty girls go to the party, hit on every guy there and then go home with two of them.

(Saw this from a 2003 mail forwarding chain when I was cleaning my yahoo mail)

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