
A young guy was trying hard to get a young lady to go out with him. She eventually agreed, and the pair had a good night out.

They wanted to see each other again so she said, "Why don't you ring me in a few days and we'll go out again?"

He agreed but warned her that he was dreadful at remembering names so asked her help in trying to remember hers.

Thinking for a moment, she said, "Try saying this to yourself; Franny = Fanny with an 'r'. Right? An intimate part of my body with an 'r'."

The guy was happy with this and over the next couple of days, practiced, "Fanny with an 'r'. Part of her body with an 'r'."

Inevitably, by the time he was supposed to ring her, he'd forgotten everything but "Part of her body with an 'r'." He agonised over the rest of it all day but couldn't remember.

Then, just as he about give up on ringing her out of embarrassment, he had a blinding flash of memory - "Intimate part of her body with an 'r'!" He joyfully picked up the phone and dialled her number.

When he heard her voice answer, he said, "Hello. Is that you, Crunt?"

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