Knock Knock Jokes API

While building our jokes platform we felt that knock knock jokes needed its own structure, esp if you are going to integrate with the likes of Siri, Alexa or Google Assistant. We got you covered. We have the world's best knock knock jokes API available right here.

Here are the full features of the API

  • Get random knock knock joke
  • Search and retrieve knock knock Joke based on a name
  • Store and retrieve your own knock knock jokes
  • Structured knock knock joke format for creating Apps or working with voice assitants

API End Points

The end point for connecting : If you subscribe directly from us use this endpoint.


Some of our API calls are public. To maintain our service level we ratelimit the number of API calls. For public API calls this is 60 API calls a day with distribution of 5 calls an hour. For paid plans this limit is increased according to the service level described in the plan.


For public calls you don't need to pass any API key. Just invoke the endpoint (see examples below). For paid subscriptions you need to pass the API key.

Currently we support API Key based authentication. Please set a request header 'X-JokesOne-Api-Secret' with value of your API key. Alternatively you can also pass api_key= as a request parameter, though we strongly discourage this mode of passing the key.

API Documentation

API Console

The following are the API calls you can make. You can try out / test the calls right from this page. Please note, javascript needs to be enabled to see the documentation below.

Swagger UI


Jokes One Knock-knock API Basic


No contracts. Anytime cancellation.
1 API Key
1000 API Calls / day
Best in class backend tools
Easy to use REST API
Immediate provisioning

Jokes One Knock-knock API Premium


No contracts. Anytime cancellation.
1 API Key
5000 API Calls / day
Best in class backend tools
Easy to use REST API
Immediate provisioning

Jokes One Knock-knock API Ultra


No contracts. Anytime cancellation.
1 API Key
12500 API Calls / day
Best in class backend tools
Easy to use REST API
Immediate provisioning